Monday, June 12, 2006

Update: December 28, 2005

December 28, 2005

Dear Friends & Family:

Hi -
Here’s a brief update before we leave the country….

We have enjoyed the last few weeks, with a visit from Mark’s parents, and all of our children (plus Calvin!) here for Christmas. We had a long list of things to do and take care of before we leave. It’s down from three pages to about a half a page, with packing for four months probably the biggest task.

Our “big brother” (current students at the language institute in San Jose, CR) found us a place to live. A local family who runs a small gift shop out of their home has an apartment on their second floor that we will rent. We heard that the woman was so grateful that her apartment would be rented she said “Gracias a Dios” (thanks to God) and had tears in her eyes. I wondered why someone would be that happy about getting a mere $350/month in rent, but then a friend pointed out that the average income is very low compared to our standards (Costa Rican’s average less than $3000/year) so our rent money may be very significant for this family.

Our first few days will probably be a little hectic. The cheapest airline tickets that we could get turned out to be a flight on January 3rd that arrives in Costa Rica at 10PM. So, we will get in late, and have to get up early the next day for the orientation at the language school. (Not to mention dealing with the two hour time zone change.).

We feel really blessed and encouraged by both the financial and prayer support that people have pledged to us after getting our support letter. The financial support has really increased our desire to be good stewards of God’s provision. And knowing that many people will be praying increases our confidence that God will use us for His purpose.

Once we get settled in CR, we will write again. We’d love to hear from you too. Our contact info is below.

God bless you.

Mark and Adrienne

Contact info:
Email: or
Mail (January through April only):
C/o Instituto de Lengua Española
Apartado 100 – 2350
San Jose, Costa Rica

P.S. We are sending this to those who have requested updates (and a few who did not request it, but we think might enjoy it). If you prefer to receive these occasional updates via email, please let us know. Also feel free to pass it on to others.


At August 12, 2006 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great site.


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