Saturday, August 12, 2006

August 12, 2006 - Part A

Dear Friends and Family:

(Note that this update is two postings – Part A and Part B.)

Happy 2nd Birthday to Calvin!!!

It was great to see our friends and family in the US in May and June. It was somewhat of a whirlwind tour including California, Oregon, Washington and North Carolina. One of the highlights was spending time with our grandson, Calvin. And,,,, Calvin is expected to be a ‘big brother’ in February!

We spent our first 12 days sharing a house on the campus of La Palabra de Vida school. It was a good way to get to know Sarah, another missionary/teacher from the states. And we met other visitors in the house, such as a lizard who liked the living room sofa. School had not started yet, so most of our time was spent looking for a permanent place to live. We found a nice furnished house to rent about 10 to 15 minutes from the school. It has three bedrooms, we use one for an “office” for school prep work, but we still have plenty of room for guests, so if you are interested in visiting, we would love to have you! Really!!

Your tax dollars at work? (Well officially it is done by donations). The US embassy threw a picnic on the 4th of July with free hot dogs, bagels, drinks, cotton candy, entertainment and games for the kids. To attend, all you needed was a US passport. It was nice to see some fellow Americans, and there are a lot of us down here!

Soon after that, school started and we got to work. Adrienne is teaching three English classes (9th, 10th and 11th graders) and a 5th grade science class. Mark is teaching English to 8th graders, repairing computers and helping to build a computer network for the school. We did a typical ‘Tico’ dance with a few other staff members at an all-school assembly a few weeks ago, and this last week, Adrienne shared her testimony during a staff devotional time.

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August 12, 2006 - Part B

On Saturday’s, (as before) we really enjoy going to Los Güizaros (the poor community where Cecilia runs a program for feeding the kids and providing a bible study). We help cook, play music, support the workers, and play with the kids.

A couple who lives in Los Güizaros recently accepted Christ. We were honored to be invited to their wedding. It was at Cecilia’s house, and had pretty much the same elements of a wedding in the US.

We were able to spend one day at the beach. We went to Jaco (on the Pacific side) since it is the closest beach to San Jose. It was overcast, but a warm and fun day. The water was warm, but the waves were big and a bit unforgiving. The drive there was gorgeous.

One last little insight into our life. The lawn at our house was getting pretty long, so we hired the landscaper from the school to come cut our lawn. He did it with - - - - a machete! That’s a job we don’t envy.

Prayer requests:
• That God would provide for the families of Los Güizaros, and reach them through the food/bible study ministry there.
• For LPDV to find a Bible teacher.
• That God would use us to minister & witness to the students at LPDV.
• For God’s direction for us regarding what to do after our commitment to LPDV is complete in December.

God bless you all!

If you would like to provide financial support, you can donate through Latin America Mission (LAM).
Latin America Mission
P.O. Box 52-7900
Miami, FL 33152-7900

or donate online by clicking in the 'Links' section on the right side of the screen.

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